Sunday, April 4, 2010

For One Day...Just One Day!

I'm reminded that tomorrow is my Birthday - Whoot Whoot! I have never really cared how old I am - is that weird? There are a lot of things in life that I find myself just not paying attention to and age is definitely one of them. I think that it can really limit a person, to think too much about their age - because often times we use it against ourselves and not to our benefit; meaning, if there's something that we are really driven or inspired to do, oftentimes we make excuses like 'I'm too old' and 'I'm too young' or 'I'm going to miss my chance.' Yada Yada Ya.

I think those time or age-related excuses are completely bogus and there is a lot less emphasis that could be placed on how old we are (or aren't). Just be you - however young or old you feel - just be yourself...yes I know this sounds cliche and cheesy, but I don't care! So how about just for a day - to celebrate my Birthday - just on April 5th 2010, spend the entire day being yourself, whatever that may be. "Out beyond the ideas of right and wrong there is a field, I will meet you there."

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